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Filtering by Category: What's new

The Psychology of Asking


In this video Dave Johnson talks about the fear we all have of being rejected when talking to people about the NIKKEN products.  His analogy in this video is eye-opening and helps to give perspective to the idea that NIKKEN is a gift!

"Do what you are afraid to do. Go where you are afraid to go. When you run away because you are afraid to do something big, you pass opportunity by." - W. Clement Stone

An Evening of Wellness Party


On Saturday Morning September 19th 2015, Molly and Emma Simpson were on The Call of Leader talking about how they have been growing their NIKKEN businesses through throwing an Evening of Wellness Party.  These parties have been very successful.  We have created an Evening of Wellness Party Packet with the help of Molly so you can throw your own party. Click the button below to download a pdf of the packet.  You can also listen to Molly and Emma's call on the Magnetic Leaders Soundcloud here: https://soundcloud.com/magnetic-leaders/evening-of-wellness-party-with-molly-and-emma-simpson-saturday-september-19-2015.

Dennis Williams: NIKKEN 2.0 Wellness Presentation


Dennis Williams is the master of the Wellness Presentation.  On September 9th, Dennis presented NIKKEN 2.0.  It is simple, beautiful and inspiring!  This is a great tool to use for introducing NIKKEN to anyone.  You can watch the full presentation on YouTube at:  https://youtu.be/jLmRNkxOrqE .  

In the presentation Dennis shows 3 videos.  Due to copyright laws we are unable to insert the video from the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada.  This video is so powerful and really helps to reiterate the NIKKEN total wellness ideals.  Therefore, in the presentation, we have included a place where you can stop and go to YouTube to view "Make Health Last. What Will Your Last 10 Years Look Like?".  Here is the link to that video for your convenience:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qo6QNU8kHxI

The 5 Laws that Determine All of Life's Outcomes


Brett Harward is a "thought-leader" and "influencer extraordinaire". In his book The 5 Laws that Determine All of Life's Outcomes, Brett tells it like it is.  He describes laws that will predictably determine outcome: Vision, Frequency, Perception, Accountability, and Leadership, with a forthright plan to implement them in your life. 

Recently Brett spoke at the Leaders Being More training at the beautiful Treasure Mountain Scout Campground at the base of the Grand Tetons.  Brett gave an inspiring talk about the 5 laws intermingled with some great and entertaining stories that illustrated perfectly those laws at work.  Here is a short excerpt from that talk.  You can find the full talk on the Magnetic Leaders YouTube channel.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoWLSFAIEUA

To hear more of Brett Harward visit Magnetic Leaders on Soundcloud.  https://soundcloud.com/magnetic-leaders/brett-harward-tells-why-he-does-what-he-does-august-28-2015


Brody Craney - Step by Step Success in Nikken


On Saturday August 8 2015, Brody Craney laid out a fantastic step by step plan for NIKKEN business success.  Brody has taken what he has learned over his …. years in NIKKEN from mentors such as Mike DiMuccio and created a simple, duplicatable plan to Royal Diamond.

In his plan he takes you through each day of the first 4 days of what he is calls “properly launching a new consultant”.  Brody explains with his method there is a big time commitment and it should not be taken lightly but the rewards are immeasurable.  

The first day involves an hour phone call where trust is established by finding out who the person is and what makes them tick.  Brody gives you questions to ask and then suggests telling your own NIKKEN story.  He talks about playing in the NBA versus a neighborhood game of hoops in an effort to find out how far they want to take their business.  He then gives them 3 assignments including reading the Four Year Career by Richard Bliss Brooke.

The second day which Brody urges to be only 24 hours later, consists of finding out if they did their assignments.  Brody talks about finding out their goals and crafting their NIKKEN story.  He then gives them a copy of the Team Kaizen guidebook and they are asked to make their 100 name list. (There is a link below to download Brody’s guidebook.)

The third day involves finding out if they made the 100 name list.  Then plans are made for two grand launch events by creating a private conference call and the tools are ordered like the Four Year Career books and Focus on Growth CDs.  

Day four consists of teaching this new consultant how to invite people.  There is a script that is settled upon and practiced until the person feels confident and comfortable with the talking points.  Brody gives a wonderful example of this script that is sure to inspire you to go out and bring in new consultants of your own!

Brody does an amazing job of outlining his simple and elegant method in this presentation.  I urge you to listen and take notes then go and do!  You can listen to the full presentation on Soundcloud at the link below or on iTunes.  There is also a link below to download a PDF version of Brody’s Team Kaizen guidebook.  This is a must have for those who are serious about building a successful NIKKEN business!

Ben Woodward's Salt Lake City Event Preview Night Presentation


Did you attend the Thursday Preview Night at the Salt Lake City Event on July 9th?  If you did, you will remember an inspiring, thoughtful and informative presentation by Ben Woodward, President of NIKKEN.  If you missed it, don’t worry we recorded it and made it available on the Magnetic Leaders Youtube channel.

In his presentation, Ben discusses the American Dream and what to do when you have achieved it.  He asks us to think about what is left after achieving the American Dream - purpose and well-being.  This is what makes NIKKEN such a wonderful company.  Even if you have achieved your financial goals, there are still so many people out there who need help whether it be financially or with their health. With NIKKEN being a total wellness company, we can help with all of that!

Ben also talks about the new partnerships NIKKEN is developing including an amazing one with Professor Russell Foster of Oxford University.  Dr. Foster is Professor of Circadian Neuroscience and the Head of the Department of Ophthalmology. These partnerships are helping us to create a stronger more powerful message and our story deserves it, says Ben.

Next he addresses the most important pillar - the mind.  Ben states that the greatest barrier to your success is your belief in yourself. Those with the greatest confidence are the ones who will be successful.

In the last part of Ben’s presentation he discusses the numbers behind successful NIKKEN businesses.  He lays it all out in black and white. Do this and you will earn this.  Simple and duplicatable.  To watch Ben’s full presentation click the link below.

Are you in the Blue QE Group? Your success depends on it!


Have you ever seen The Blue Man Group?  They are so exciting and amazing!  NIKKEN has started a new blue trend — the Blue QE Group!  A blue name in your downline report means that person is a Quality Enrollee.  You want to be Blue!  Just like the Blue Man Group is fun and exciting to watch, the Blue QE Group is fun and exciting for your business!  

NIKKEN has made it simple to be a QE too!  Just consistently create at least 500PV per month through a combination of retail customer orders and personal-use product purchases, of which at least 100PV must be personal autoship.  

Every consultant should be blue!  Make a commitment to be part of our Blue QE Group - then teach 3 more to do the same and those 3 will teach 3 and on and on.  Before you know it, your business will be drumming along at the pace of a speedy Blue Man Group routine! 

The Blue QE Group - what an exciting team building concept. Here’s a way to have all the fun and excitement of the Blue Man Group without having to paint your face! Being Blue is fun and exciting and your business will thank you!




Indoor Air Pollution - among the top five environmental health risks says the EPA


NIKKEN is a total wellness company – the only total wellness company.  This means we have products that contribute to the body’s wellness in everything from supplements for nutrition to magnets for reduction of discomfort to filters for healthier water and air.  There is no other company like NIKKEN! 

We all know the body needs certain nutrients to thrive.  We also know that by using our amazing magnetic technology and the far-infrared and negative ion technology we can reduce discomfort and aid the body’s natural healing tendencies.  Most of us have even felt the energizing and helpful qualities of NIKKEN’s PiMag water but one of the most overlooked of NIKKEN’s products is the KenkoAir Purifier™.

On May 25th 2015, a study was published by the Journal of the American College of Cardiology stating that “air purification is significantly associated with decreases in geometric means of several circulating inflammatory and thrombogenic biomarkers, as well as a decreases in systolic blood pressure (BP), diastolic BP.”(1)  Translation – an air purifier can help with a risk of coronary artery disease and help to lower blood pressure – both top and bottom numbers.

NIKKEN’s ULPA filtration system is unparalleled. It “combines multistage filtration (including a state-of-the-art ULPA filter), negative-ion generation and a unique system that operates without producing ozone, a toxic gas that is an unfortunate byproduct of other air systems.” (2)  ULPA filters are a higher grade of air filtration than the commonly used HEPA filters. 

“High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) = 99.97% of particles 0.3 micrometers or greater are removed by the air filter.

Ultra Low Penetration Air (ULPA) = 99.999% of particles 0.12 micrometers or greater are removed by the air filter.” (3)

On June 5th of this year – 2015, the NY Times published an article called “Even Low-Level Air Pollution May Cause Harm”.  The article sites a study by researchers in which the death rate in New England residents over 65 was tracked in conjunction to daily air pollution.  The study showed a correlation between a slight increase “10 micrograms per cubic meter” of air pollution and the death rate which rose 2.14 percent.  (4)

The EPA has posted numerous information about indoor air quality in an effort to educate the public including a statement that says “Indoor air pollution is among the top five environmental health risks.”  It also goes on to recommend “adequate ventilation with clean outdoor air …. but if there are undesirable levels of contaminants contained in outdoor air….. an air cleaning device may be useful.” (5)

Air filtration is not just for asthmatics or those with severe allergies.  As our outdoor air pollution grows worse and we learn more about the hazards of indoor air pollution, air filtration systems like NIKKEN’s KenkoAir Purifier are an integral part of your wellness home. 


1. http://content.onlinejacc.org/article.aspx?articleID=2297637  & http://www.acc.org/latest-in-cardiology/articles/2015/05/24/10/34/can-indoor-air-purifiers-produce-cardiopulmonary-benefits?w_nav=ACCUpdate&w_pub=ACCUpdate150529&WT.mc_ev

2. http://www.nikken.com/product/technology?hash=air_wellness#air_wellness

3. http://allergynotes.blogspot.com/2010/06/difference-between-hepa-and-ulpa-air.html

4. http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/06/05/even-low-level-air-pollution-may-cause-harm/?smprod=nytcore-iphone&smid=nytcore-iphone-share&_r=2

5. http://www.epa.gov/iaq/pubs/airclean.html



NIKKEN’s Dynamic Underlayer Kinetic Tape


Physical therapists, occupational therapists, certified athletic trainers, chiropractors, physicians, nurses, physiotherapists, and professional athletes are among those using kinetic Tape.  This elastic tape can stretch up to 30% or 40% of it’s length and is said to have beneficial effects on several body systems including, circulatory/lymphatic, neural, muscular, and fascial as well as joints. 

One of the ways it helps is to lift the upper layers of skin from the muscle relieving pressure on the pain receptors and allowing for better flow of the lymphatic system, blood and lactic acid.  All of this works to allow the body to have a more normal response to injury and “removes some of the roadblocks that normally slow down the healing process.” Kinetic tape can also help to correct alignment of weak muscles and through the recoiling of the elastic can facilitate joint motion. 

While kinetic tape is awesome, NIKKEN’s Kenkotherm DUK Tape is even more awesome! NIKKEN took all the amazing qualities of regular Kinetic Tape and gave it superpowers by adding the far-infrared and negative-ion technology.  The Kenkotherm DUK Tape comforts stressed muscles and joints and promotes greater freedom of movement while it produces warmth from natural energy and refreshing negative ions.

There are many websites devoted to showing you how to properly apply kinetic tape.  Two of our favorites are www.rocktape.com and www.spidertech.com/.  Our own Jen Bessire, a physical therapist for 20 years with a PhD in Kinesiology, did a presentation on how great NIKKEN’s DUK tape is and she does some demonstrations on how to properly use it.  This was a fantastic presentation and can be viewed on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXCmFW88My8.

During the product launch in Salt Lake City, I was able to interview people who had used the new DUK Tape and their experiences were amazing.  You can watch some of those testimonials here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6rFXWwv6cY.

This tape is incredible and has the potential to open so many more doors for NIKKEN’s consultants.  Talk to your physical therapist, your doctor, your chiropractor, your personal trainer and tell them about NIKKEN’s Dynamic Underlayer Kinetic Tape.  It’s a great way to introduce NIKKEN and all of their other amazing products.

Here are some flyers for you to print to introduce the DUK Tape to people.

DUK DUK DUK Tape flyer design.png

On the back are instructions for use, a QR code that takes you to this blog post and a space to write your consultant contact information. The flyer is a 4" by 6" design.

On the back are instructions for use, a QR code that takes you to this blog post and a space to write your consultant contact information. The flyer is a 4" by 6" design.




The Fellowship of the Unashamed


On a recent call Tony Scoma talked about this quote from Henry B. Eyring at a general conference.  It is originally written by Dr. Bob Moorehead.


The Fellowship of the Unashamed


I am part of the fellowship of the unashamed.

The dye has been cast.

I have stepped over the line.

The decision has been made;

I am a disciple of Jesus Christ.

I won’t look back, let up, slow down, or be still.


My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, and

my future is secure.

I’m finished and done with low living,

small planning, smooth knees,

Colorless dreams, tinted visions, worldly talking,

cheap giving, and dwarfed goals.


I no longer need pre-eminence, positions,

promotions, plaudits, or popularity.

I don’t have to be right, first, recognized, praised,

regarded, or rewarded.


I now live by Faith, lean on His presence,

walk with patience.

I am uplifted by prayer, and labor with power.

My face is set, my gait is fast,

my goal is heaven.

My road is narrow, my way is rough,

my companions few, my Guide is reliable,

my mission is clear.


I cannot be bought, compromised, detoured,

lured away, divided or delayed.

I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice,

hesitate in the presence of the adversary,

negotiate at the table with the enemy,

ponder at the pool of popularity,

or meander in the maze of mediocrity.


I won’t give up, shut up, or let up until I have stayed

up, stored up, and paid up for the cause of Christ.


I must go till He comes, give till I drop, preach till all

know, and work till He stops me.  And when He returns for His Own, He will have no problem recognizing me.  My Banner will be clear.


Here is the link to Tony Scoma's talk on July 14, 2015.  https://soundcloud.com/magnetic-leaders/tony-scoma-on-the-new-direction-of-nikken-july-14-2015-tuesday